
Name: Maverick Hayes

Age: 27

Birthday: March 8th


Height: 6'0''

Weight: 170 lbs

Occupation: Tattoo Artist

Theme: Toshiyuki Hoda - Gunhed #1

 Likes / Dislikes

✓ Anime
✓ Sleeping In
✓ Cooperative Clients
✓ Horror Movies

✕ Not being tipped
✕ Caffeine
✕ Spiders
✕ Being Cold

 Trivia & other Facts

  ✝ He can't swim
  ✝ Has a deep fear of spiders
  ✝ He owns a Yamaha XS750
  ✝ Hates caffeine, it makes his hands shaky


Maverick is very presumptuous and vulgar when not working in the studio. His flippant disregard for others often gets him in over his head, despite being able to handle most situations. However, he is capable of showing serious and empathetic behavior when the moment asks for it.

In the studio, he's a pretty nice guy. His coworkers often say that it's like a switch is flipped when he's at work. He'd even go so far as to give you the shirt off his back, something he would never do normally. Though, don't mistake that kindness for weakness. If someone slights him at work, he's got the same amount of patience. He gets paid by the hour, you know.

He's also a gigantic anime nerd, and if you play your cards right, you might have a loyal friend on your hands... just make sure to hand over that VHS of Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma you got there on the shelf, sound good?

Also very protective of his Boyfriend, despite said boyfriend being fully capable of pulling people apart like a Twizzler.


Maverick is a Tattoo artist who one day finds himself with an Alien bug merged to his spine after a mysterious near-death motorcycle accident. The Alien bug in question is the result of an experiment by a mysterious corporation set out to create the perfect fighting machine. Maverick learns to work with the Alien bug in exchange for protection and the abilities given to him by this newfound benefactor.

The more he learns to work with this Bug, the more information is revealed about this mysterious corporation that wants both he and this Bug dead.